
How feedback affect non-native perception of tones

This project examines the role of feedback in the non-native perception of Mandarin tones by naive British English listeners.

To very briefly summarise the findings:
simple (“correct”, “incorrect”) online(a.k.a, “immediate”) feedback does not improve the non-native perception.

Related articles:

  1. feedback
    The effect of immediate feedback on the perception of Mandarin lexical tones by non-native speakers of Mandarin
    Cong Zhang
    St. Anne’s Annual Review, 2014
  2. The effect of immediate and simple feedback on the perception of Mandarin lexical tones by English speakers
    Cong Zhang
    MA dissertation: Newcastle University, UK, 2012

    Related talks:

      1. tone perception
        The Effect of Immediate Feedback on the Perception of Mandarin Tones by Non-Mandarin Speakers.
        Cong Zhang, and Biao Zeng.
        Annual Bloomsbury Round Table on Communication, Cognition and Culture
        Birkbeck, University of London, UK, 28-29 jun 2012
      2. tone perception
        The Effect of Immediate Feedback on the Perception of Mandarin Tones by Non-Mandarin Speakers: A Pilot Study.
        Cong Zhang
        15th Warwick International Postgraduate Conference in Applied Linguistics
        University of Warwick, UK, 27 jun 2012